Issue #15

Chat Bots Weekly

At F8, Facebook didn’t disappoint: they released their Bot SDK. Quick summary: bots are always linked to a Facebook Page. There are web widgets to drive users to opt-in. There’s a new search bar for bot discovery in Messenger. Custom UI elements will extend plain text and photos/videos.

Also, a first batch of approved bots were announced, and they are not particularly impressive: CNN is constantly bothering me with pushes, and Spring bot is very inflexible and too tied to the custom UI cards.

We should be patient. My first Android apps, back in 2009, were very basic, and rather ugly, but users loved them anyway. With bots, we’re in learning mode, so we’ll be reviewing the interaction, iterating, and making our bots more and more flexible. Let’s get back to work and deliver delightful experiences, the responsibility is on us.

Facebook, Kik and Telegram seem to share the same view for this first phase of this “new” paradigm: UI elements that guide the user through the conversation. Facebook with his custom cards, and Telegram and Kik with their custom keyboards.


Products and Libraries


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Curated with ❤ from NYC by Omar Pera (@ompemi) and the Perops team.